Black Sails Wiki

Olemisscub Olemisscub 20 January 2015

Season Two episode summaries

As with last season, I'll take the lead in writing the initial episode summary each week. That way two of us aren't writing over each other at the same time.

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Olemisscub Olemisscub 29 March 2014

Is the poll dead?

We haven't had a single new vote in the poll in like a week. Does the voting for the polls automatically close after a certain amount of time?

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Olemisscub Olemisscub 16 March 2014

The Lion or the Ranger?

So we know that Hornigold gives his ship to Gates and I'm pretty certain that they called his ship the Royal Lion meaning a formal Royal Navy ship called the Lion. However, during the entire last episode they call the other ship the Ranger, which is Vane's ship. Did we miss something?

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Olemisscub Olemisscub 4 March 2014

A note on grammar

A couple of thoughts on grammar:

1) Ship names ALWAYS need to be italicized.

2) Episode articles should be written in present tense i.e. "Billy informs Dufresne that he must fight. Dufresne is afraid because he has never even fired a gun." Character articles should be written in past tense i.e. "Billy informed Dufresne that he must fight. Dufresene was afraid because he had never even fired a gun."

3) References to characters should use their last name if possible i.e. "Bones showed Silver around" not "Bones showed John around". The exception to this, in my opinion, should be 'Eleanor' since there is another Guthrie.

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